Postdoctorate Alumni

Qiliang He, Ph.D.

Graduate Alumni

Jon Starnes, M.A.

Undergraduate Alumni

Jyotleen DeWal – Neuroscience

Megan Kemp – Psychology

Lucy Niu – Neuroscience

Felipe Oliveira – Neuroscience

Ashley Salen – Psychology

Kevin Thompson – Neuroscience

Vanessa Vargas – Neuroscience

Rida Ahmed – Psychology

Christian Spalding

Luke Braun

Lea Varghese

Gabriel Sanchez

William Buxton

Gabriella Lewis

Katie Davis – Architecture

Lane Vacala – Biological Sciences

Sharnitha Sudhaher – Neuroscience

Avery Pope – Neuroscience

Rishi Nair – Neuroscience

Kelsey Mo – Psychology

Julia Milner – Neuroscience @ St. Mary’s College of MD

Elizabeth Beveridge – Neuroscience

Sarah Redmond – Neuroscience

Sharon Flores – Neuroscience

Kayla Collins – Psychology

Lou Eschapasse – Neuroscience

Sarah Ogletree – Psychology

Anna Zagora – Neuroscience

Molina Zhang – Emory U: Neuroscience

Victoria Pfennig – Neuroscience

Rhea Nichani – Neuroscience

Senior Thesis: The Role Gender Plays in Spatial Navigation and Recall Ability

Rahul Thimmugari – Neuroscience

Senior Thesis: Gamma-frequency entrainment audiovisual 40 Hz fljcker

Maddy Hammond – Neuroscience

Derek Matthews – Biomedical Engineering

Sarah Freeman – Neuroscience

Senior Thesis: Stress effects on the ability to learn statistical regularities about our world

Sai Nakirikanti – Neuroscience

Senior Thesis: The Role of Basal Forebrain  Degeneration and Cortisol as Biomarkers Mediating Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology: A Machine Learning Approach

Tal Ben-Yishai – Neuroscience

Senior Thesis: Characteristic Neural Firing Profiles in Different Hippocampal Subfields for Successful and Unsuccessful Memory

Andrew Han – Computer Science

Senior Thesis: The Effects of Boundary Manipulations on Navigational Abilities

Tanya Churaman – Computer Science

Senior Thesis: How Cognitive Load Difficulty Affects Cognitive Mapping and Individual Differences in Navigation

Deepika Pahari – Biochemistry

Samar Abdelmageed – Psychology

Brandon Cho – Northwestern U: Neuroscience

Sarah Goodroe – Psychology

Senior Thesis: Which Navigation Strategy is Best?  The Importance of Spatial Strategy in a Landmark-free Environment is Moderated by Sense of Direction and Prior Learning